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Weight Watchers Diet (WW Diet)

Weight Watchers Diet, also known as WW Diet, is one of the most popular diets and meal plans in the world. And no, this is not a trend-following diet or something new in the world. WW Diet is a meal plan with many satisfied users, including some well-known celebrities.

What sets Weight Watchers Diet apart from others, besides the excellent results it gives to its users, is that the focus is placed on a healthy lifestyle and good eating habits, not just on losing weight.

The Basics of the Diet

WW Diet works through a smart points system. This means that every food and drink is worth a certain number of points, depending on its nutritional value.

Every meal plan during the WW Diet is individual and depends on what type of food the user likes, what kind of lifestyle they lead, and what results they want to achieve.

There are three ways you can practice this diet according to your needs, and you get help through the WW app.

Most importantly, WW Diet is ranked as the 5th best diet and is considered a healthy diet because it is not restrictive at all. No food is prohibited during this diet; the essence is moderation.

During this diet, you will be introducing into your body a sufficient amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and other nutrients that are necessary for the body to function normally and for you to be healthy.

You will also be consuming significantly fewer calories, saturated fats, and refined sugars.

Diet Rules

The smart points system allows users to choose between three WW Diet programs.

Healthy foods have zero points, while foods with less healthy ingredients, refined sugars, and saturated fats have a certain number of points.

The WW Diet programs are the green, blue, and purple programs.

Green Program – you are focused on 100+ zero-point foods.

Blue Program – you are focused on 200+ zero-point foods.

Purple Program – you are focused on 300+ zero-point foods.

In all three programs, you receive your budget of smart points, which you can use for the foods you usually like to eat. The budget of smart points is determined based on gender, height, weight, and age.

Along with the points, you receive a wealth of recipes that you can use and they contain the food you should be eating.

To get a plan that best suits your needs, you need to answer the following questions when signing up for the WW program:

  • Why you want to lose weight;
  • What you can’t stand during the diet;
  • How much you exercise;
  • How and how much you sleep;
  • The way you currently think about life…”

“Does the Weight Watchers Diet help in losing unwanted kilograms?”

“The WW diet has been declared one of the best diets. This is because it has thousands and thousands of satisfied users who have easily managed to get rid of unwanted kilograms without compromising their health, without being hungry during the diet, and without having to give up certain foods.

Additionally, there are numerous scientific studies that have shown that the WW diet is a sustainable way of eating and that it does what it claims.

What makes the WW diet special is that it focuses on creating good and healthy eating habits and on a sustainable and long-term way of eating that will contribute to weight loss. This diet teaches you to choose healthier foods and to control the size of portions you eat during the day.

Because of this, this is a good and sustainable diet, as success does not come overnight, but at the same time, the kilograms do not return.

How easy is it to keep the Weight Watchers Diet?

As we have already mentioned, during this diet, no food is forbidden, so you don’t have to give up your favorite meal.

What most people are interested in before starting any diet is whether they will feel hungry during it. In the case of the WW diet, you definitely will not be hungry. During one day, it is allowed and necessary to have 3 meals and 2 snacks.

In the WW application, users can easily track their smart points, even when eating out. Also, the application or website provides a multitude of recipes at your disposal, which means that you will always know what to cook for lunch and dinner, even when you have no inspiration.

In the application, you can also track your journey to losing unwanted kilograms. You can also track your daily habits, how much you sleep, how much fluid you take in, and how much you exercise. In this way, besides focusing on diet, you can focus on a complete change in lifestyle and finally start adopting healthy habits.

Foods you SHOULD eat during the WW Diet

  • Lean proteins such as chicken, eggs, tofu, fish, shellfish, and low-fat yogurt;
  • Broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, peppers, leafy green vegetables;
  • Fresh and frozen fruit;
  • Sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal, beans, and whole grains;
  • Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, and nuts.

Foods you SHOULD NOT eat during the Weight Watchers Diet

  • Although there are no foods that are forbidden, and you can eat your favorite chocolates during the WW diet, it is recommended to reduce consumption or completely…
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